For UZIKWASA however, Boda-boda riders’ close link to their community makes them potential stakeholders in the fight against GBV and VAC. Our Boda-boda intervention package in Pangani combines reflective training with a radio program where they share their change experience and inspire other youth to follow suit.

Reflective training equips Boda-boda youth with leadership skills and builds their consciousness to realize that sensitive issues like GBV and VAC concern them too. They learn self-awareness and ‘see’ how they have caused pain and destroyed young girls’ hopes and dreams.  The success of this self-reflection exercise is evident when they share how this new awareness touched them, causing deep regret, feelings of guilt and pain. At the end of each training UZIKWASA facilitators support them to develop their change questions which will guide them on their new transformational journey towards becoming responsible members of the community.

After the reflective training, Pangani Boda-boda riders are invited to Pangani FM studio to participate in ‘Bodabora’ radio program, a program where they can share their change stories with the wider community. Many listeners call in to ask questions including fellow Boda-boda youth.

Bodabora has emerged as one of the favorite radio programs among Boda-boda youth. It has changed the conversation in their centers and helped to make it a safer place for female customers.

The combination of reflective training and …. radio program has been able to bring about a new and positive image that portrays Boda-boda riders as a transforming group in Pangani.  The success has led to a growing demand among Boda Boda riders from other districts which have asked for the same support so that they will be able to positively impact their communities and become true Boda Boras.